Gone for Broke

    Noiz and Mosh have a little problem. The kitty counted up the money she had in her allowance for the month and frowned.

    "Mosh-kun!" she shouted.

    "What?" he asked.

    "You have some money to loan me?" the cat asked.

    "No," he said. Noiz blinked rather confused.

    "What do you mean?" she asked.

    "I'm broke," he said.

    "What?" his girl asked.

    "Spent what was left yesterday," he explained, "Why? Are you broke too?" She peeked out of the bedroom frowning.

    "And when do we get another allowance payment?" Noiz asked.

    "Two weeks from now," Mosh told her. His girlfriend groaned out loud.

    "Seriously?" she asked.

    "Sorry," he said. Noiz frowned and lowered her head. She lifted her head. "Fine," the kitty grumbled, "Looks like will have to resort to that." Mosh blinked at her rather confused.

    "Huh?" he asked. The kitty walked into the living room part of the dorm and grabbed him by the shoulders.

    "Jobs, man," she said, "We need to get jobs." Mosh looked at her with big, confused eyes.

    "Wha?" he asked. Noiz pulled him out the door with her. And so, the job hunt began...

    Job Hunt:

    Noiz's End:

    The kitty started at a local clothing store. For days, she noticed the pink help wanted sign. How could anyone not miss it? Usually, Noiz would ignore it and walk on by. Today however, the situation had changed. She drew in a deep breath and walked up to the door.

    "Here we go," she said to herself. The kitty walked into the store. A girl at the counter looked up from her magazine.

    "Welcome to Kissing Pink!" she said, "How can I help you today?" Noiz pressed her hands against the counter.

    "Excuse me," she said, "I saw your sign in the window. Are you still hiring?" The clerk blinked at her.

    "I'm sorry?" she asked. Noiz forced herself to be proper.

    "I'm trying to get a job here," she repeated. The girl blinked at her for she had never heard an American-sounding Japanese speech pattern.

    "A job?" she asked.

    "Yes," Noiz replied, "Are you still hiring?" The clerk blinked at her for a few seconds.

    "Why?" she asked.

    "I need to work for money," the kitty said. A moment of silence passed over them. The clerk broke down into a loud laughter. Noiz smiled as she gave her a strange look.

    "May I ask what's so funny?" she asked. The clerk gave her a silly grin.

    "This is a job, right?" she asked.

    "No..." Noiz said.

    "And you really want to work here?" the clerk asked.

    "Yes," the kitty said, slowly losing her temper, "Is that a problem?" The clerk grinned at her.

    "That's so cute," she said. The clerk turned and looked in the back. "Ryo-kun, this is a joke, right? Right? Come on, I want to see where you're hiding the cameras!" Noiz sneered and rolled her eyes.

    "This is crap," she mumbled to herself as she walked out of the store.

    Mosh's End:

    Mosh walked to a computer store and went inside. The clerk looked up when he heard the door bell ring.

    "Welcome to Inu Computers, can I help you today, sir?" he asked. The mouse cleared his throat.

    "I'm looking for a job here," he said.

    "Sorry, but we aren't hiring right now," the clerk told him. The mouse boy frowned at him.

    "Oh come on, can't you help me out here?" he asked, "You're the sixth place to turn me away."

    "Sorry, I can't help you," the clerk replied. The mouse pressed his hands together.

    "Please?" he begged louder, "Please? Please? Please?" The twenty-something clerk put up his hands with a sweat drop on his head.

    "Okay, okay," he said, "You know what... uh... I'll go to the back and talk to my boss." Mosh's eyes lit up brighter than diamonds.

    "Will you?" he asked.

    "Uh... yeah," the clerk said, backing up, "You just stay there and I'll go right now." Mosh watched as he raced into the back room.

    End Result:

    Noiz and Mosh sat on their bed at the end of the day. The kitty turned to her boyfriend.

    "I got nothing today," she announced, "What about you?" Mosh dropped his shoulders sheepishly.

    "They threw me out," he explained. Noiz threw back her head and sighed. Tomorrow's another day, right?