
His words didn’t work this time. Tina didn’t feel like some “little crush.” Noiz’s gut took her that they had a potential stalker on their hands. The kitty shook her head.

It possibly won’t end up like that, she tried to think, He’s just going to talk to her and it’ll all be over. The kitty paused at that thought. What if Tina didn’t take no for an answer? Noiz sank down on the couch with big, worried eyes.

No, she thought, I don’t need this right now. Noiz buried her head in hands. She had just decided to keep the baby after much self-debating. To her surprise, Mosh kept his word on being alright with whatever she decided.

“Okay then,” he said, “Then we will be parents.” That alone meant something, yeah? Of course it did. That still left the issue of Tina. Oh lord, what to do about her? Noiz looked up at the ceiling and groaned.

What is this?, she thought, Why am I such a wreck?

“Noiz-sama?” she heard in reality. The kitty looked up to see her husband just inches away from her face. Noiz’s lips began to quiver.

“Baby,” she whimpered.

“What?” he asked. The kitty quickly grabbed him by the hands.

“Promise that you will stay by me no matter what,” she pleaded, “Promise me!” Mosh understood how fragile this plea was. Usually, she asked for this in a cute and flirty way. He would happily answer that he would. However, flirtation was swept under a sea of desperation for love. The kitty even looked ready to cry. Mosh pulled her close to his chest.

“I promise,” he whispered. Noiz glanced up at him.

“Can I just stay like this for a while?” she whimpered. The mouse boy panted her on the back of the head.

“Yes,” he whispered, “I love you.” Mosh looked down at his phone sitting on the side table next to the couch. Something told him that this Tina-mess wouldn’t go away in one night like his wife would. He rested his chin on the top of her head and closed her eyes.

I know you were serious this time, the mouse boy thought, Don’t worry, I’m going to be serious this time as well.