News of the World

Aisha felt the bug to help out the community again. However, she still had a little problem. She sat up in the tall grass.

“Ladies, we have to volunteer in the town!” she announced. Her friends groaned and rolled their eyes. Their leader frowned as she tilted her head.

“What?” she asked.

“Why?” Lewis asked.

“It will be for a good cause,” Aisha answered.

“’Ho cares?” Clyde asked. The leader put her hands on her hips.

“We can’t spend our days just lying around do nothing!” she complained. “Look at yourselves! Can you truly say that you are okay living like this?”

“Yes!” all three of them exclaimed. Aisha sighed and shook her head.

“You’re all hopeless,” she said. “This will never do.” Aisha couldn’t understand this. She grew up in a world of order. Being a soldier’s wife brought high expectations from the public. Aisha kept her house clean and always ate healthy. She let her life roll around a tight schedule. Nothing ever fell out of place. The leader sighed and shook her head.

“We need to change around here!” she shouted. Muriel straightened out her glasses.

“Why can’t everything stay the same?” she asked. “I like things the way they are.”

“But that’s not good!” the leader complained. She clapped her hands together. “Come on! We have to fix things around here!”

“No we don’t,” Lewis said. “You’re only saying that because you are bored.”

“Well, yes, but…” Aisha said.

“She admits it!” Clyde shouted.  “She’s bored! She’s bored!” Aisha gritted her teeth.

“That’s not the point!” she shouted. “We can’t spend every day just lying around, doing nothing!”

“I don’t know,” Lewis said. “We seemed to be really good at it.”

“That’s not a good thing,” the leader complained.

“I’m fine with it,” Muriel said.

“Yeah,” the farmer said. “Besides, I don’t really want to go home since Kat is still freeloading off of me.” That statement gave Aisha an idea.

“That’s it!” she shouted. “We can help her get back on her feet!” The other three old biddies looked up at her with blank stares.

“What?!” her friends shouted. Too late, the wheels began to turn in Aisha’s head.

“Oh yes,” she said. “We will go by Lewis house and talk to her niece,” she said. The farmer narrowed her eyes at her.

“You do realize that girl is beyond hope, right?” she asked. The leader clapped her hands together.

“We won’t know until we try!” she said. Lewis, Muriel, and Clyde really didn’t like her using “we” on one of her crazy schemes. This plan screamed disaster all over it. Aisha stomped her foot in pride.

“Right!” she shouted. “Off to Lewis’ house!” Aisha marched down the hill, whistling an old army song. Lewis, Muriel, and Clyde looked at each other before running after their crazy friend before she could make things worse.

Stop Her!

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