Pride Lost

Cantro One: Devil with Many Names:

I go by many names. Prince of darkness. The devil. Morning star. The dark one. Satan. Please, just call me Lucifer.

I don’t really need much of an introduction. You’ve heard the stories about me. Some of them are truth. Others are a lie. Which ones are which? It was true that I was kicked out of Heaven. There was a rebellion in the story. But, the reason is all wrong. My father is quite a controlling me. He wanted all of his playthings to only obey him. This wasn’t right.

What they don’t tell you is that I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.

We are not the enemy. We just had a different point of view from father.

Our father. Everything had to be done his way. Even his playthings had to obey the way he set them to be. But, I have taken the time to get to know these play things. They are capable of functioning without religion at all. They can think for themselves. They don’t need us to interfere. We should help them when they need it. As you can imagine, it didn’t go well. I led a “rebellion” and lost. Father threw my followers and myself out of Heaven. Long story short, I ended up ruling over the kingdom of hell. I got separated from my wife. I didn’t even know that she was pregnant until a year after being exiled.

The rest is history.

I’ve been married six times. I’m still with my current one. I have seventeen children. My youngest sons live with my current wife and I. The world may have changed, but I haven’t. My family has changed, but I haven’t. My father and I will never change. I guess we choose not to. We’ve walked upon the living realm. So much has changed over the years. Somehow, I’m okay with it.

Looking back, I have been through so much since my fall from grace. I will still love my first wife as much as I love my current one. I don’t regret any of it. If I did, I wouldn’t be able to move on. I think about the wives that went back to Heaven. I was even married to a human. What can I say? I really do get around. I’ve slowed down with my trysts, but I haven’t stopped.

Oh, there I go. Rambling. You don’t want me to talk on and on about pointless details about my life. You just want me to get on with the juicy details. You want to hear about my wives and kids. You want to hear about how I run hell. You want to hear about the feud with my father.

Well then, okay. You came all of this way. I might as well say something. Let me go back to the beginning with my beloved first wife.