Layout by Hoshi no Hana
Image from Minitokyo
© Shu
Red Bull

Hola. My name is Lola and this is my Public Speaking. This is where my series, Red Bull, is. This is the darkest project I have ever written. I hope you enjoy it!


Everyone has something to hide in this city...
For Vince Parkman and Nina Perry, they are perfectly aware of this ugly truth. They are determined to find the truth, no matter how much they lose in the end.

Guide to Links

Students: The characters of the series
Charms: Picture gallery
Public Speaking: The series itself
Soundtrack: Lyrics and music to series
Ads: Ads to the series
Previews: Previews to the upcoming pictures
Picture Requests: I really need pictures of the characters to fill the gallery
City History: Background on the island and city
Roll On: Karen, Shona, and my section of works that we couldn't fit anywhere else
Girl Friend: Tony's series that I happen to like
Ishtar: Another series by Tony that I like


1/26/25: I added chapter twenty-six.

1/19/25: I started volume seven and fixed the link to Isthar.

1/12/25: I finished volume six and added previews for volume seven.

1/9/25: I added chapter twenty-three.

1/8/25: I added chapter twenty-two.

1/7/25: I started volume six. This series will go all the way to volume eighteen.

1/6/25: I finished volume five and added previews for volume six.

1/5/25: I added chapter nineteen.

1/4/25: I added chapter eighteen.

1/3/25: I started volume five.

10/27/24: I finished volume four and added previews for volume five.

10/26/24: I added chapter fifteen.

10/24/24: I added chapter fourteen.

10/22/24: I started volume four.

10/20/24: I finished volume three and added previews for volume four. Plus, I fixed some of the backlinks.

10/19/24: I added chapter eleven.

10/17/24: I added chapter ten and the City History page.

10/15/24: I started volume three and added the picture requests page.

10/13/24: I finished volume two, moved the Public Speaking page, and added the previews for volume three and the ads.

10/12/24: I added chapter seven and the soundtrack.

7/21/24: I fixed the site and added chapter six.

7/29/10: I have started volume two and put up a guide to make navigation easier here.

4/3/10: I have finished volume one and added the previews.

7/8/09: I have added chapter three.

6/15/09: I have added chapter two, more titles, and a counter.

5/23/09: I have added the pilot and more titles.

2/4/09: I have added the charms, students, and more titles.

12/18/08: Birth
