Chapter Twenty-Eight: Royal Birth:

Noiz sat at her computer when the due date began at nine in the morning on June fifteenth. She paused as she felt something warm and wet running in her chair. It didn’t take long for her to figure out what was happening.

“Mosh-kun! Mosh-kun!” she screamed. “My water just broke!” The mouse didn’t get what was going on at first.

“What?” he asked himself. “Her water just…” The train finally arrived at the station. “Oh crap!” the mouse yelled. Mosh raced up the stairs as fast as he could. “Noiz-sama!” he shouted. He found her huddled over in pain.

“Did it just start?” he asked.

“Just now!” Noiz cried.

“Just now?”


“Okay! Uh… sit right there. I’ll go call for help!” Mosh raced to their room and grabbed his cell phone. “Hello? My wife’s in labor! Could you please send help? Okay, thank you.” The mouse ran back to Noiz’s office.

“They are on the way,” he said. “Start breathing.” Noiz took in heavy breaths.

“Good, good,” he said. “I’ll go get everything ready.” The mouse raced over to the closet and began packing up a bag.

“Mosh-kun…” Noiz murmured in a croak. Her husband looked up at her with the stuffed bag in his hand.

“Yeah?” he asked.

“Don’t leave me,” she pleaded. “Please?” The mouse gave her a quick nod.

“I understand,” he replied. “Let’s get you downstairs.” He walked over and put her arm over his shoulders. “Hang onto me, okay?” Noiz nodded at him in pain.

“Good,” he said. “Ready to go?”

“Yes!” Noiz yelped. Her husband carried her out of the office. They had to walk step by step down the stairs.

“Easy now,” he whispered. “Easy, easy, easy.” Noiz let out a scream of pain as she grabbed onto his wrist with her nails. Mosh clenched his teeth.

“It’s okay,” he said. “I got you.” They made it down to the front door to find the ambulance waiting for them.

“How far along is she?” the EMT asked.

“Her water broke and the contractions are starting,” the husband explained. The kitty screamed louder.

“I think I might die!” she yelled.

“You’re going to be fine, ma’am!” the EMT told her. He walked over and took Noiz into his arms to put her in the ambulance. She looked over at Mosh, frantically.

“Don’t leave me!” she pleaded in a weak voice. He followed behind into the ambulance. The mouse didn’t leave go of her hand during the whole ride.


Noiz wouldn’t let go of her husband’s hand as she was rushed to the operating room.

“Can you hear me, miss?” one of the nurses asked. The pain prevented her from giving them a straight answer.

“It’s okay,” Mosh assured her. “I’m right here for you.” Noiz gasped as another wave of pain came over her.

“I’m gonna die!” Noiz cried.

“You’re doing fine,” another nurse told her. “Keep pushing!” The kitty screamed as she the pain grew stronger.

“I’m here for you,” Mosh told her as they hurried into the emergency room. It took twelve hours of labor before they resorted to a C-section. Before then, Noiz started crying.

“I can’t take this!” she wailed. “I can’t take this!” Mosh wiped the sweat from her forehead.

“I’m still here,” he said.

“You’re doing fine,” the doctor added. “Push, push, push!” Noiz did so as the tears streamed down her face.

“Good,” her husband said. “You can do it!” Her screaming could be heard outside the room. At last at sundown, the baby was born. Noiz lay there, panting with Mosh’s hands numb with soreness. The doctor came into the operating room with the baby girl in his arms. Noiz lifted her head.

“How’s the baby?” she asked.

“Congratulations,” he said. “You have a healthy baby girl.” The mother rested her head back.

“Great,” she said in a low voice. Her eyes turned to Mosh.

“What shall we call her?” she asked. He brushed some of her hair from her forehead.

“How does Ume sound?” he asked. She gave him a tired little smile.

“Sounds good to me,” she whispered back. He nuzzled her on the nose.