
I: I Hate Work:

*Erin sat at her desk, frowning*

Erin: This is some crap.

*The phone rings next to her*

Erin: *Reaching over and picking it up* Hello?

*Other person talks on the other line*

Erin: Yeah, yeah.

*Pretends to take notes*

Erin: Right… Thanks for letting us know.

*She hangs up, sighing*

Erin: Idiot.

II: Screw Work:

*Hours later*

*Erin sighs and rolls her eyes*

Erin: What the hell am I doing this for?

*She looks out the window*

Erin: Oh look, more rain.

*She pauses when she notices someone watching her*

Erin: What?!

*An intern blinks at her*

Intern: We’re just all going to lunch.

Erin: *Frowns* So?

Intern: Want to come with us?

*Erin sighs*

Erin: No.

*Intern tilts her head at her*

Intern: You sure?

Erin: Yes. Now beat it!

Intern: But…

Erin: Go away!

*The intern shrugs*

Intern: Okay…

*Erin groans as the intern walks off*

III: Fuck Work:

*Erin types with a frown*

Erin: I need a drink!

*She looks up at the clock*

Erin: Damn it! It’s not time to live yet.

*She types more*

Erin: I want to go home.

*She hits enter*

IV: This is Bullshit:

*Around three o’clock*

*Erin grits her teeth*

Erin: I can’t take this crap anymore!

*She threw her pen to the desk*

Erin: How long have I been doing this crap?

*She messes up her hair*

Erin: This isn’t even worth my time anymore!

*She buried her head in her hands*

Erin: Maybe I should just quit…

V: That’s It:

*Another intern walks over to her*

Intern: Ms. Evans?

*Erin slowly lifts her head*

Erin: Yeah?

Intern: The boss wants to see you about that e-mail you sent this morning.

*Erin looks up, curious*

Erin: Oh?

*She walks back to the boss’ office*

VI: I Quit:

*The boss sits at his desk, waiting and filing his nails*

*Erin walks in with a little smile on her face*

*The boss looks up at her*

Erin: You wanted to see me?

*Boss man shoves her printed out e-mail across his desk*

Boss Man: Care to explain this?

*Erin puts her hands on her hips*

Erin: I quit!

*Boss Man raises an eyebrow at her*

Boss Man: Excuse me?

Erin: I quit! You are an asshole! Fuck you!

*Boss Man’s jaw dropped*

Boss Man: You can’t be serious.

Erin: Oh, yes I am! Fuck you, you sad little small-dicked misogynist asshole!

*She flips him off*

Erin: Goodbye, jackass!

*She walks out, slamming the door behind her*

VII: Free at Last:

*Erin runs with the street, screaming in joy*

Erin: I’m free! I’m free! No more slave labor!  No more pigs staring at my ass! No more stupidity! No more boring work! I am free!

*Dances through the street squealing*

Erin: *Whips out her phone* Paige, baby! We’re going out celebrating! Woo-Hoo!

*She hangs up and dances more*

VIII: Now What:

*Erin pauses and frowns*

Erin: What am I going to do for money?

*She drops her shoulders*

Erin: Damn it.

*She walks home rather awkward*
