What We Do:

The camera shows the court yard.

“What do we do here at this academy?” Noiz asked. “Mostly writing. That’s right, we all write and publish different pieces of work.” She walked over to the stone benches and sat down.

“It started out with just me,” she said. “The others all came to me. We all have good days and then we have okay days. Some of our work isn’t good, but we claim it anyway. Who do we write for? Anyone, really. We do the work and then we send it out on the world. It’s what we do.”

She turned the camera up towards the sky. “It all started back in the first year of this academy. I wanted to do it and I just did it. Fuck the naysayers. I am like Janice in accounting, baby!” Noiz laughs as before she footsteps.

“Halt!” she shouts. “Who goes there?” Camera shows Bemmer giving her a strange look.

“It’s only me?” he asked.

“Ah yes.” The headmistress walks over to her second-in-command with the camera. “I’m filming a short film for the higher-ups. Do you want to say anything for them?”

“No,” Bemmer said. He turned and walked away.

“That was Bemmer, my friends,” Noiz said. “He’s the second-in-command around here. He helped put it altogether. He still helps me run it beautifully. Bem’s a nice guy like that.”

Noiz walked over to the concrete ramp. “We do more than teaching and writing, however. We do editing and pitching ideas as well.” She walked up to the glass doors of the Oko Hill building.

“It may be stressful and it doesn’t pay well at times,” she said. “But we do it anyway because we want to and we can!”

Noiz pushed open the doors and went inside. “Then I have to go into how we operate things around here.”