Chapter Sixteen: Wild Card:

Chapter Sixteen: Wild Card:

Noiz sat in her office at work when she got an e-mail. Hm? What is this? Noiz clicked on the message.

Look in your desk.

Curious, Noiz pulled open her drawer. Her eyes reflected her confusion. What is this? The kitty reached inside and pulled out a two of hearts. Who put this here? She turned it over on the back. Something was written across the back.

“Come downstairs?” she asked. Noiz turned to her office door. She shook her head. This better not be some sort of a prank! The kitty rose to her feet and headed out the door.


Noiz looked around the empty hall. She narrowed her eyes rather perplexed. Okay… In front of her, she noticed another card pinned to the bulletin board. This time, it was the three of diamonds. Noiz took it down and looked at it.

“Elevator,” she read. She put her hand over her stomach. The baby hadn’t started to kick just yet, but she could sense it coming. Noiz hurried to the elevator. She looked at the card and noticed a down arrow. The kitty pushed the down button and got inside. Three cards were pinned against the back wall.

“Five of hearts, seven of spades, and ace of diamonds,” she muttered to herself. Naturally, the pregnant cat flipped over each card. “Meet” “Me” “Outside.” Noiz smiled as she began to get the idea. Ooo, this sounds fun, the kitty thought. Once the doors slid open, the headmistress stepped out into the lobby. On instinct, Noiz knew exactly where to go.

Mosh lay under the tree in nothing but his boxers. He had tied himself down to the picnic blanket below. Noiz put her hands on her hips, smirking.

“Well, hello there,” she said.

“Are you feeling hungry?” her husband asked. Noiz giggled as she swallowed back her drool.

“You know me very well,” she said with rosy cheeks.

“Well come on,” Mosh said. “You meal is getting cold.” He didn’t really need to speak a single word. His wife crawled forward and nipped on his shoulder. The mouse whimpered in painfully ecstasy as he pulled her in closer. It might not be much, he thought. But it will have to do for now. Oh!