You Will Be My Ain True Love

Chapter One: Living Legend:

Back in the Wild West, there was a living legend. Her real name was unknown, but many had others for her. Some called her Wild Kate. Others called her Kate of the Night. One common name they labeled her was Devil Hand Kate. So many stories surrounded this woman. Every time she passed through town, the bounty on her head would increase. In the end, the sheriffs couldn’t put a number on her head. However, the details about this woman outlaw vary from town to town.

The most common were that she killed only the men. Not little boys, just the grown men. That fact alone had many speculating why.

“She’s a man-hater.”

“She’s the god of female justice.”

“She’s taking revenge for a broken heart.”

However, what’s the real story behind why a single woman would go and shoot random men to death? To be honest, Kate doesn’t hate men. In fact, she was looking for someone. Kate didn’t even know the answer to her own question her.

I have to find him. That drive sat in her mind with each step she took. As long as had that purpose in her life, nothing slowed her down. The desert, men, or the bounty hunters on her back met nothing to her. Even the risks to her own life felt meaningless.

I have to find him again. There is something that I have to know about him. Everywhere she went, Kate left more questions than answers. Just who was she exactly? Where did she come from? Why does she kill only men? Where is she now? The questions don’t end once one is answered. The story of Devil Hand Kate does have a beginning and a tragic end. Both will take a while to sit down and explain. However, she is not what she seems. The closer anyone gets to Kate, the more they end up with questions instead of answers.

Her story, it is assumed, began in the in early 1800’s.