A little girl walked down the Animal House dormitory's hallway. She had a giant fluffy white bunny backpack on her back. Noiz was brushing her teeth in her dorm kitchen when the little girl walked by. The kitty turned around and looked out the door. A confused look came over her face. Huh? Noiz quickly finished brushing her teeth and spit out in sink. After rinsing it out, she dashed out of the dorm room.
Noiz trailed the little girl to the elevator. Her eyes fixated on the black plastic eyes of her backpack. She hadn't thought what she would when she caught up to the child and the fluffy creature. The little bunny just screamed, "Follow me!" Noiz narrowed her eyes.
"Who is that?" she asked herself. The little girl reached out and pressed the button on the elevator.
"Noiz?" someone asked behind the kitty girl. She froze and clenched her teeth. When she turned around, Mosh stood behind her with a curious look on his face.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Uh..." Noiz said. "Who is that?" She pointed to the little girl with the fluffy white bunny backpack. Naoko turned him his head and looked as the little girl looked at the flashing numbers over head.
"Oh, that's Graham's little cousin," he said.
"His cousin?" Noiz asked.
"Yeah," the mouse boy said. She looked at the backpack again as the doors opened.
"What is she doing here?" the kitty asked. "And what's with her backpack?"
"Pattie is here to visit Graham," Mosh said.
"Okay," his girl said. "But what's with her backpack?" Pattie disappeared into the elevator. The bewitching spell was broken once the doors closed. Noiz stood up straight and shook her head.
"Hm?" she asked. Mosh broke into laughter.
"You can ask Pattie about her backpack yourself," he said. Noiz tilted her head.
"Huh?" she asked. The mouse boy put his arm around her shoulders.
"We'll take the stairs," he said. Mosh had to gently pulled her along for his girl still had a confused look on her face.
"What?" Noiz asked. The mouse boy wound up laughing the whole time.
"What?" his girlfriend asked. He patted her on the head.
"You can be so cute sometimes," he said. The kitty girl blinked.
"Heh?!" she said. Mosh kissed her on the forehead as they walked further up the stairs.
Mosh knocked on Graham's door. Their friend opened it and perked up.
"Mosh! Noiz!" he said. "So nice to see you." A little girl with bright red hair and fat cheeks stood beside him. Noiz stared deep into those deep forest green eyes.
"Hello!" the child said.
"Hi..." Noiz said. Mosh put his arm around her shoulders again.
"Noiz-san here wants to know about your little bunny backpack," he said. Pattie blinked at him.
"Why?" she asked.
"I just think it looks so cute!" Noiz said with a cheesy grin on her face.
"Oh," she said. "My nan bought it for me last year."
"I see," the kitty said.
"Would you like to come in?" Graham asked.
"Sure!" Mosh said. Noiz shrugged and put up her hands.
"Why not?" she asked. The couple followed their friend and little girl into the dorm room.