Chapter Fourteen: Hundredth Day:

It’s been one hundred days since the earth was covered in sand. The human race has been struggling to survive. There are no more fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh water is also scarce. They only have dried foods and canned goods. Some of them form camps to survive. However, only one person knows the truth.

Pretty soon, he won’t be the only one.

The result of this storm wasn’t turning out like the gods had hoped. They wanted to see people suffering. They got that at first, but now the tone had all changed. What was the point of covering the world in sand now?

One hundred days later and the human race has learned to adjust in their new conditions. They had no use for cars or modern technology anymore. Sure, they missed those things, but it wouldn’t have use for those things anymore. They missed fresh fruits and vegetables, but learned how to get those same nutrients from pills and tablets. They missed tap water, but learned how to drink from lakes and bottled water. They missed using money, but found other uses for it.

This wasn’t supposed to happen.

The gods couldn’t understand why the human race was like this. They were supposed to be weak and in despair. However, the humans still had their own questions about the sand and this new world they were living in. Only one person knew the truth.

Even he doesn’t know what to do with it. He isn’t sure if anyone would believe him. He can’t even decide what to make of what that box exposed his mind. However, something like that couldn’t stay hidden for long. Who could he tell about what he had learned?

Funny thing is that words can spread in this world faster than it had before. Especially since the human race was trying to find out what happened and how to reverse it.

Also, he might not be the only one who would see this truth in the middle of all this sand…