Chapter Ten: The Sand:

Where did all of this sand come from? Everyone is getting sick of looking at it. Still, they had questions about this sand. Some took it upon themselves to do the research about it. Despite not having technology to do it, curiosity helped them prevail. This is what they had so far:

There was a peculiar chemical in the sand. Some of the scientists managed to look into manual microscopes and find it. The small molecules looked spiky. In water, the sand would turn hot white. In seconds, it would suck up the water if it was hot. Scientists couldn’t understand why the sand didn’t react to cold water as much. The chemical always killed electricity the second it made contact.

What exactly was the chemical? It didn’t match any of the elements on the periodic table. Dry and isolated, it looked spiky and red. The sand itself felt like a plastic bag. Left in water overnight, it would turn hard like a brick. Dropped from a high height, it would break about into sand again. It’s also heat and fire resistant. When the sand had too much water in it, it explodes and burns when in contact with skin.

Nobody knows what to do with this sand. They couldn’t use it for fuel. Naturally, they couldn’t eat sand. Plus, they couldn’t get rid of it. Still, the scientists do not give up on their quest to figure it all out. Without modern technologies, they would have to get creative. Thing was, they would have to learn how to do that again. Maybe they had the chance. The human spirit has the ability to adapt and adjust to the environment around it. Maybe this sand wasteland is a test. Humans are banding together and forming new bonds. Instead of a tragedy of the end, maybe this could be a new chapter for man.

Go forth mankind! Prove to the skies that you can live through this!
