Chapter Two: Polly:


I carried a box of my husband’s old hentai magazines out to the trash. He hides it everywhere in the floor of out apartment. (Polly: I have to remember to tighten up those floorboards!) I hate when I find it and have to throw it out. It’s bad enough that Anthony reads it. But he also writes and makes money off of it. I have a decent job; can’t he have one too?

Truth is, I didn’t intend on getting married. I was only fourteen when I met my husband. I was walking home with two of my friends when he rode up on his motorcycle. He was twenty-one at the time. My friends instantly fell for him. But I didn’t. I knew what his game was about. Anthony was Russian biggest playboy. He just wanted to sleep around with as many girls as he could. Anastasia, my mom’s close friend, warned me about him. I did my best to avoid the lust games and traps Anthony used to pander girls into bed with him.

But he was desperate to have me. No matter how times I said no, Anthony kept perusing me. He even befriended my parents and they trusted him. In time, I gave into him. But I still didn’t want to sleep with him until we got married. Then on my sixteenth birthday, Anthony did the unthinkable. He proposed to me. Everyone was blown away. I didn’t know what to say. Finally, Anthony wore me down. Soon, I was the only sophomore in my school that was married.

But now that I look at it, I’m glad I married Anthony. I managed to tone down his playboy ways and he hasn’t cheated on me. I did threaten to leave him for his porn addict twice but my love begged me not to. So I stayed. We have been married for nine years now. And I love every moment of it. (Except for the porn and his motorcycle!)

I was almost at the trashcan when I looked in the distance to see someone walking towards the apartment. I squinted my eyes hard. Noizchild was walking towards the building. At first, I thought I was going crazy. When I looked really hard, it was confirmed. Noizchild was walking towards this apartment. She was dressed in a lilac kimono decorated with navy flowering vines and dark brown rice hat. I dropped the box immediately and raced to her. She must have seen because she stopped midway and stared at me. I made it to her in a heartbeat. She looked at me up and down.

Noiz: You okay?

Polly: You’re…. back.

Noiz: Yes, my fever’s down now.

Polly: Oh.

We both just laughed. Then, I put my arm around her and walked her to the apartment. The box of hentai I left sitting near the trashcan was gone.

Polly: Damnit!

Noiz: What?

Polly: He took them back.

Noiz didn’t have to ask. She too knew about Anthony’s porn habit. But she did the smart thing and kept it quiet about it.

Noiz: So tell me.

I looked up.

Noiz: Ben and ******* are getting married?

Polly: Yes!

Noiz: How did that happen?

Polly: He wore her down, I reckon.

Noiz: I figured. Ben’s a sucker for a pretty woman. No matter how she treats him. She could leave him in debt for years and he would still carry a torch for her.

Polly: At least he’s not a pervert.

Noiz: That’s true.

Then, the door opened. We turned to see Anthony standing in the doorway.

Ant-Man: Hi ladies.

My husband is a fine man. Don’t get me wrong. He was tall with broad shoulders, lovely green eyes, short wavy dirt blonde hair, great stomach muscles, strong arms and legs, a tight ass, and a big… (I’ll you finish the sentence. -Wink-) No wonder every woman in Russian still wants him. And I admit that I had a small crush on him at first sight.

Ant-Man: Hey Noiz.

Noiz: Hey Ant-Man!

I watched as he grabbed Noiz tight and hugged her waist.

Noiz: Whoa!

Then my husband let go of our boss and looked at us both.

Ant-Man: Care to come in or are you just going to stand and look pretty for the world?

We hurried inside and Anthony shut the door behind us.

Ant-Man: We’re having a party to announce wedding this evening.

Noiz: Really?

Ant-Man: Yep.

Noiz: Just yesterday, he kept blushing around me. I guess he’s all grown up now. Whoa!

Ant-Man: I know.

I began to sniffle. Anthony and Noizchild both looked up at me.

Ant-Man: Baby, is something wrong?

I contained myself as hard as I could and looked at my husband and my friend with tearful eyes.

Polly: Our little Benny is growing up!

Anthony just gave me a little smile as I cried again.

Ant-Man: Too bad it won’t last.

Noiz: I don’t know. We’ll just see.

Noiz stayed with us until lunch. Then she said she had to go home to rest for a while. I just sat back on our couch and sighed. Our own Ben Smith was growing up! I just hoped ******* would stay faithful to him.