Soul Meets Body

I: Another Date Night:

*Paige leaps onto the bed, pouting*

Paige: Erin!

*Erin looks up from the TV guide*

Erin: What?

*Paige pouts*

Paige: I’m bored!

Erin: So?

*Paige grabs Erin by the arm*

Paige: Take me out on a date!

*Erin looks at her with big eyes*

Erin: What?!

Paige: Please?

*She goes into puppy-eye mode*

Erin: Uh… *She tries to look away and clenches her fists* Fine.

Paige: *Claps* Yay!

II: Heading Out:

*Erin waits by the front door*

Erin: *Looks at her watch* Come on! We don’t have all night!

Paige: I’m coming! Hang on!

*Erin sighs in her nice black dress suit*

Erin: *Mutters* You always do this…

*Paige hurries down the stairs, putting on her gold and pearl earrings*

Paige: Okay, I’m ready!

Erin: About time!

*Both ladies head out the door*

III: Movie:

First Stop: Movie

*Paige picks out a sweet and cute romantic movie*

*Erin rolls her eyes*

*Paige happily watches the movie while eating popcorn*

*Erin dozes off*

IV: Dinner:

Next Stop: Dinner

*Paige chooses a fancy restaurant*

*Erin makes an odd face*

Erin: You should we can afford this?

Paige: It’ll be fine. Come on!

*She leads her girlfriend inside*

*They get a table near the window*

*Erin drinks glasses of wine while Paige talks*

*Dinner comes and they eat up*

*Paige happily eats while Erin puts on a brave face for her girlfriend*

V: Walk:

Next Stop: Walking around Time Square

*Paige talks while Erin pretends to be interested*

Paige: Look at the pretty lights!

Erin: Uh-huh.

Paige: This is the best night of my life!

Erin: Uh-huh.

VI: Bored:

*Paige tilts her head*

Paige: Honey, are you bored?

*Erin turns her head*

Erin: Huh? What? No, no.

*Paige frowns*

Paige: You’re lying.

*Erin drops her shoulders*

Erin: Fine, I am kind of bored.

Paige: Well, where do you want to go?

*Erin thinks*

VII: Bar:

Final Stop: Molly’s Bar

*Erin finally perks up*

Paige: Happy?

Erin: Hell yeah!

*The ladies spend the rest of the night drinking and living it up*

VIII: Best Night:

*Paige drags Erin’s out-cold body*

*Paige giggled*

Paige: This was the best night ever.

*She unlocks the door and drags Erin inside*
