Lotus Bomb
Welcome. This is South American History. I am Noizchild and I made this section for my series, Lotus Bomb. Have fun.
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In fear for her and her unborn child's life, Chiyo, a mob leader's niece, flees Tokyo and runs to Kenzu Island. There, she finds safety in a house of ill-repute. The girls and the owner grow to become her family.
2/19/07: I have added the students and the money.
12/19/06: I have added another song.
11/29/06: I have added the class and the first chapter.
10/9/06: I have added the music.
7/24/06: Just got here.
Lotus Bomb © Noizchild.
Layout © Dewdrop Designs.
Image © Lavender Sweets.